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Under Construction

Thursday, April 25

Please pardon the mess while I tirelessly try to redesign my blog (an unbelievably frustrating experience I might add). When it comes to html coding and photoshop, I am a total amateur. The past three weeks I have been obsessively studying html coding and photoshop, sketching ideas of a blog layout and sitemap, creating, designing, and redesigning. The process has been horribly confusing and complicated, so please bear with me while I delete, rearrange, change and adjust the columns, photos, graphics, and fonts on my blog. Hopefully I will come up with something promising soon!

Here’s a sneak peck of our impromptu trip to Fort Myers. 



  1. I'm digging the layout I see thus far Audrey! Especially the font and the little arrows for your tabs at the top. Super cute!

  2. Once you figure it out, teach me! I get so frustrated trying to learn all that stuff too.

  3. this looks great even in-progress, Aud! Wish I could figure out all the cutie stuff you have going on so far- I've been itching for a new blog layout for....years. =) Looks great!
