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What's Up Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 24

So this is what's up...a recap of the last week. 

I officially started my new job at Banana Republic. Nick is concerned. With good reason I might add. He is worried that I won't actually get any of my paycheck, due to the phenomenal discount employees receive. Be afraid very afraid. I must admit my level of self control is already dwindling. Sweaters...jeans...ah... it does not help that my favorite season of clothing is in stock right now. Fall clothing...I love you. Employee discount...I love you even more.

I officially start my job at A'deva Salon this Friday. Unfortunately I was not hired as a stylist. I was hired as a receptionist...for now. I was offered a full-time stylist position at another salon, but the salon was a little edgy for me. :-) A'dvea seems to fit me and my lifestyle much better. It is cute, quaint, laid-back and best of all....carries Aveda products!

I officially started the trek to finish my undergraduate degree. I think going to Liberty University Online was a good choice for me. It is basically...lots of reading, writing and testing. Nothing to exciting. is Wednesday and since Nick already left, I was forced to take pics of myself in the mirror. Awesome.

(be warned)

I am feeling crazy today. Might be the mountain dew I had for breakfast....nah...
peace out.